Our Misplaced Trust
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Prov. 3:5-6
As I drove on one of our city’s six lane expressways going sixty-five miles per hour I was awed by the fact that all these cars going around me at breakneck speed and there were no accidents. I remembered driving through Atlanta at rush hour with six lanes going both ways at eighty miles per hour. No one hit anyone else; everyone stayed in their own lane unless there was an opening and they wanted to move over or someone needed to exit. How did this “mass of moving of metal” do it? What was the key? Then it dawned on me! Trust!! I trusted the driver next to me to remain in his lane; we all had a common direction; we were all maintaining the same momentum. I trusted people I didn’t even know. I trusted the laws we were obeying. I trusted my vehicle to perform as it was supposed to. As I turned off the expressway and drove on city streets I trusted that the other driver would stop at the red light or a stop sign at the intersection as I went through.
So much of our lives is based on trust. We trust the pharmacist to fill our prescriptions correctly. We trust food manufacturers to package safe food. We trust the gas we put in our cars is what is advertised. We trust the water piped to our homes to be safe. We trust the bank to take care of our funds.
Why do we not trust God??? This is the God who created us. Psalm 139:13 For Thou didst form me in my mother’s womb. This is the God who loves us. Jer.31:3a I have loved you with an everlasting love; John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.
Why do we trust everything and everyone but God? Is it because we can’t see and hear Him?
I see Him! I see Him in His Word. I see Him in Gen 1 as he creates with such planning and purpose for a perfect place for man. I see Him rescuing Israel from slavery in Egypt. I see Him providing for them for 40 years in the wilderness...guiding, leading, feeding, and keeping their clothes from wearing out. I see Him feeding 5000 people who had followed Him into the countryside to listen to His teaching. I see Him turning water into wine to keep the bridegroom from being embarrassed. I see Him lifting a woman who had been accused of adultery and sending her on her way forgiven and cleansed.
I see Him changing my life of emptiness into an exciting life of learning and teaching His Word and watching Him work in so many lives. I see Him bringing me through changes and challenges with peace and confidence and poise. Trust Him??!!?? Yes!! I trust Him!!
I hear Him speak to me through His Word...words of encouragement, comfort, conviction, love. I hear Him in my heart when things are changing. He reminds me that “I change not...Malachi 3:6; Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb 13:8; He is...”the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. James 1:17
What a God!! I trust Him!!